Thursday, September 29, 2011

Allison and Nathan

CONGRATS Allison and Nathan......

I got an email from a friend and she told me her son was getting married...  I LOVE LOVE LOVE engagement sessions.....

I had asked if they go anywhere special often and she replied with they go to Apps Mill alot!

I knew this was going to be fun......

I arrive... ready....   I hand over the contract, ask them to ever so kindly fill it out....  we come across the line of "General Body - Only Images" we kinda laugh a bit... and I reply with "I have a problem with taking Photo's of feet"....   So Allison first photo is for you LOL hope you are laughing....

I can still here it..  "Come on a Real Kiss, not an acting kiss" All I can say is I love these guys!

So I thought forsure the session was done... I had TONS of wicked photo's as they were so awesome to work with.... Than some how... outta no where.... "let go in the river"....  OK I am sooo there!!  But I secretly thought that it was only going to be them in the water not me.... Man I was wrong... Out I go...

I had a BLAST with these two.... Hope to see them again!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sneak Peaks from the Fall Mini Fall Sessions this past weekend

What an amazing turn out I had!!! I had TONS of new faces, and some returning faces...
I had siblings, and families


And Not to forget the Puppy!!! 

Overall it was an awesome day!!  Sun was out... we had a BLAST!!