Sunday, August 21, 2011

SURPRISE!!!!! Ok maybe not... as someone cheated!!

Well I have this wicked friend who is amazing....

Its her and her hubby's 10th (yup 10th wedding anniversary) Sooooo I get this BBM (for you non Blackberry users, its a way of messaging) from her hubby....

 "Jen I need a little help, I wanna surprise Sara"

Me - "Sure what do you want to do?"

Jamie - "Well I need a sitter so I can take her out for dinner"

Me - "Sure... I'm your girl"

Jamie - "and she REALLY wants family photo's"

Me - "I am REALLY your girl"

So we set up a plan... stuck to it... and then waited for the day!!!!

I am trying REALLY hard to Not say anything about it.... OOOOHHHHH how I suck with Surprise's

Well at the end of the day I was good LOL... I never slipped up!!!  But she cheated and knew we were meeting at Lorne Bridge LOL....

But over all I am thrilled with the way the photo's turned out... and I know Sara... she will have tears!

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY to you both.... I will be around for the 20th as well!!!  I think Zachie may be a little easier than LOL

Hope you enjoy



  1. What a great photo shoot Jen! They turned out sooo good! I'll but Sara was really pleased.
