Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Melanie B has arrived

On May 16th 2011, I get the text!!!!  Today is the day she will be here...  I am soooo excited!

To give you just a quick story, Athena (mom) is a good friend of mine, I was at the beautiful birth of the son Aaron just over a year ago and now I was sooo excited to be able to be at the birth of there beautiful daughter.

I wait, I get text through out the day, I make arrangements for my children, I am sooo excited! 

I finish up the stuff I need to get done, and off I go!!!  I arrive at the hospital just after 7pm...  I stop for Timmy's as mom to be wanted Oatmeal Raisin cookies.... I get as many as I can including a few free ones cause they were broken LOL!  

I head up to the 4th floor (I was told that she was in the same room as last time), I get off the elevator and can't get in... oops wrong elevator!!!!!  I head back down to the main floor and then down the long hallway and back to the other set of elevators and I go back up!  

I'm in the room!!  Athena seems ok, she eats a cookie....  I get the update of to whats going on, Athena is progress really well!!!  I'm so excited!!

Athena is doing as amazing as she did with Aaron!!!

I wont get into all the details BUT I will tell you that Mrs Melanie when she decided to come only a few short hours after my arrival, she came running!!!! 

I know I know its suppose to be a the beautiful photo's of Mom and Melanie or Dad and Melanie 
Nope you get ME!!!!

Look at those cheeks!!  8 lbs 10 oz of adorableness

I love this one.... A few short hours after her arrival she is dressed and ready for her new home!!

A few days later I arrived with all my gear in tow!!!

 Full of Kiss's!!

Daddy Little Girl

Friday, May 20, 2011

MR C Has come to see me again!!!!

Sooooooo excited to get the call.... "Hi Jen, Can you please take Mr C's Second Birthday Pictures" to which I reply.....  "Of course"... I cant believe he is 2 already... he is getting sooo big, and really starting to become a little man...

I get ready for the big day....   He arrives.... and let me tell you WE HAD FUN!!!!  Mr C is such a little Ham... I loved his personality... his many different expressions, his curiosity... and I LOVED how he put his hands in his pockets of his adorable little jeans!!!!

                                                                                    Im the king of the castle.....

                                                     I know whats in here!!!!                                                         ME!!!!!!!

                                                                                           Tickles from Mom....

        Now I will take a rest and have a seat!!!!

                                                                           Can we say Mr Blue eyes!!!

                                        Hmmmmm whats that????                              I know my belly is here somewhere!

Can we All say Mr C stands for Mr Cutie !!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Boo Boo Bear!!

I just wanted you all to meet our Boo boo (AKA Rhonan)...  Boo boo is our 3rd son, and by far my craziest!!  This is one of the reason I love him sooooo... Boo boo from day one has been different from the rest of our boys, he came out running, and hasnt stopped he is full of life... BUT is one of the kindest, sweetest kids you will ever meet!!!  He has his blankie still at age 7 and I am totally fine with that!!  He will give you the BIGGEST hugs and kisses and he will tell you he "Wuves you" all the time!!!!  I just took this Picture of him and to me is summarized who is his!!  LOVABLE!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

MORE Adorable Munchkinz from Good Friday

I had sooooooo much fun on Good Friday!!!  I got to see soooo many happy little ones... they had an easter egg hunt, at Busy Bee in Kitchener!!  When I first arrived, I was a little nervous, as I wanted it to be perfect!  At the end of the all the fun... I would say it was!  All I saw were smiles, soooo to me that is Perfect...

Here are a few of the other families I got to catch smiling....

Can we say WHAT A CUTIE!!!!!!


Soooooo Much Cuteness



I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Momstown KW for having me!  I truly had a blast!  And hope you enjoy

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The H Siblings

Well I went on a LONG over due road trip this week...  finally after years of chatting via Facebook ( I love to chat), Lisa decided it was time I came to meet the family...  Off I go with camera and gear in tow....  I was sooo excited!  Mr H is 3 months now and a little Ham... I love his eyes, and Ms H...  wow she is soooo adorable.... oh and we cant forget about Ruby, Ruby really enjoyed the camera time as well...  Can't wait to see them again, I am looking forward to my new Favorite Drink with Lisa!

Heres your sneak peek hun, Hope you enjoy!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Good Friday!!

I was sooo honored to be asked to join Momstown Kitchener-Waterloo on there special day... They had an easter egg hunt at Busy Bee's!  They asked me to come and capture some smiles... so this is what I did!  I though about it LONG and hard, and came up with a simple back ground and some spring flowers.... I think it looks amazing...  Paula the one who asked me to join, seemed rather pleased, sooooo I am posting a few of her pictures tonight...  Hope you like Paula