Friday, May 20, 2011

MR C Has come to see me again!!!!

Sooooooo excited to get the call.... "Hi Jen, Can you please take Mr C's Second Birthday Pictures" to which I reply.....  "Of course"... I cant believe he is 2 already... he is getting sooo big, and really starting to become a little man...

I get ready for the big day....   He arrives.... and let me tell you WE HAD FUN!!!!  Mr C is such a little Ham... I loved his personality... his many different expressions, his curiosity... and I LOVED how he put his hands in his pockets of his adorable little jeans!!!!

                                                                                    Im the king of the castle.....

                                                     I know whats in here!!!!                                                         ME!!!!!!!

                                                                                           Tickles from Mom....

        Now I will take a rest and have a seat!!!!

                                                                           Can we say Mr Blue eyes!!!

                                        Hmmmmm whats that????                              I know my belly is here somewhere!

Can we All say Mr C stands for Mr Cutie !!!

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