Monday, May 16, 2011

My Boo Boo Bear!!

I just wanted you all to meet our Boo boo (AKA Rhonan)...  Boo boo is our 3rd son, and by far my craziest!!  This is one of the reason I love him sooooo... Boo boo from day one has been different from the rest of our boys, he came out running, and hasnt stopped he is full of life... BUT is one of the kindest, sweetest kids you will ever meet!!!  He has his blankie still at age 7 and I am totally fine with that!!  He will give you the BIGGEST hugs and kisses and he will tell you he "Wuves you" all the time!!!!  I just took this Picture of him and to me is summarized who is his!!  LOVABLE!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT JEN!!! All your boys are amazing, as they are a reflection of the love you and Chris share with them.

    PS. Sarah still has her blankie at 16, and she takes it to every sleep over she goes on. I wished I had a blankie :)
