Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Melanie B has arrived

On May 16th 2011, I get the text!!!!  Today is the day she will be here...  I am soooo excited!

To give you just a quick story, Athena (mom) is a good friend of mine, I was at the beautiful birth of the son Aaron just over a year ago and now I was sooo excited to be able to be at the birth of there beautiful daughter.

I wait, I get text through out the day, I make arrangements for my children, I am sooo excited! 

I finish up the stuff I need to get done, and off I go!!!  I arrive at the hospital just after 7pm...  I stop for Timmy's as mom to be wanted Oatmeal Raisin cookies.... I get as many as I can including a few free ones cause they were broken LOL!  

I head up to the 4th floor (I was told that she was in the same room as last time), I get off the elevator and can't get in... oops wrong elevator!!!!!  I head back down to the main floor and then down the long hallway and back to the other set of elevators and I go back up!  

I'm in the room!!  Athena seems ok, she eats a cookie....  I get the update of to whats going on, Athena is progress really well!!!  I'm so excited!!

Athena is doing as amazing as she did with Aaron!!!

I wont get into all the details BUT I will tell you that Mrs Melanie when she decided to come only a few short hours after my arrival, she came running!!!! 

I know I know its suppose to be a the beautiful photo's of Mom and Melanie or Dad and Melanie 
Nope you get ME!!!!

Look at those cheeks!!  8 lbs 10 oz of adorableness

I love this one.... A few short hours after her arrival she is dressed and ready for her new home!!

A few days later I arrived with all my gear in tow!!!

 Full of Kiss's!!

Daddy Little Girl

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