Monday, April 25, 2011


On Friday April 1 st at 7pm until Sunday April 3rd at 7pm, Jennifer Lefler Photography will auction off a photo sessions. The winning bid will receive the standard photo package from us as outlined below at a time of their choosing.
Jennifer Lefler Photography, is so please to be apart of the amazing team of photographers at Helping Hearts.  Helping Hearts is a project started by Melissa Knowles and Michelle Regner with the goal of being able to provide complimentary photography sessions for families with children who are suffering a life-altering illness or disability. The project features photographers from across Canada united in a single purpose; we believe in sharing the gift of photography and providing precious captured moments for them.
So…to the auction prizes.
Up for grabs is a portrait session with us valued at $220.
* One single portrait session with me at the location of your choice  (with in 1 hour driving from Brantford On)
*  all Proofs edited and colour corrected
* all Proofs online in a private gallery for 60 days
*  all Proofs unmarked, in a high resolution on a DVD for your own viewing and printing purpose
*  Bonus Framed 8 x 10 Photo
The auction will commence at 7pm on Friday April 1st and will conclude on Sunday April 3rd 2011…so make a note in your calendar now. The auction will run on our Facebook event page at
All funds raised from these auctions will go directly to Helping Hearts
On Friday April 1 st at 7pm until Sunday April 3rd at 7pm, Jennifer Lefler Photography will auction off a photo sessions. The winning bid will receive the standard photo package from us as outlined below at a time of their choosing.
Jennifer Lefler Photography, is so please to be apart of the amazing team of photographers at Helping Hearts.  Helping Hearts is a project started by Melissa Knowles and Michelle Regner with the goal of being able to provide complimentary photography sessions for families with children who are suffering a life-altering illness or disability. The project features photographers from across Canada united in a single purpose; we believe in sharing the gift of photography and providing precious captured moments for them.
So…to the auction prizes.
Up for grabs is a portrait session with us valued at $220.
* One single portrait session with me at the location of your choice  (with in 1 hour driving from Brantford On)
*  all Proofs edited and colour corrected
* all Proofs online in a private gallery for 60 days
*  all Proofs unmarked, in a high resolution on a DVD for your own viewing and printing purpose
*  Bonus Framed 8 x 10 Photo
The auction will commence at 7pm on Friday April 1st and will conclude on Sunday April 3rd 2011…so make a note in your calendar now. The auction will run on our Facebook event page at
All funds raised from these auctions will go directly to Helping Hearts
On Friday April 1 st at 7pm until Sunday April 3rd at 7pm, Jennifer Lefler Photography will auction off a photo sessions. The winning bid will receive the standard photo package from us as outlined below at a time of their choosing.
Jennifer Lefler Photography, is so please to be apart of the amazing team of photographers at Helping Hearts.  Helping Hearts is a project started by Melissa Knowles and Michelle Regner with the goal of being able to provide complimentary photography sessions for families with children who are suffering a life-altering illness or disability. The project features photographers from across Canada united in a single purpose; we believe in sharing the gift of photography and providing precious captured moments for them.
So…to the auction prizes.
Up for grabs is a portrait session with us valued at $220.
* One single portrait session with me at the location of your choice  (with in 1 hour driving from Brantford On)
*  all Proofs edited and colour corrected
* all Proofs online in a private gallery for 60 days
*  all Proofs unmarked, in a high resolution on a DVD for your own viewing and printing purpose
*  Bonus Framed 8 x 10 Photo
The auction will commence at 7pm on Friday April 1st and will conclude on Sunday April 3rd 2011…so make a note in your calendar now. The auction will run on our Facebook event page at
All funds raised from these auctions will go directly to Helping Hearts

My Dubba!!!!

Ok I have decided to try to take Pictures of my amazing family this week.... Each day I will post something that I find too funny or just picture worthy LOL... So my baby Dubba (Declan) he is a HAM!!! He cracks me up... Today I found him hiding in the closet with the container of Oreo cookies... He quickly hide the container behind his back and told me Boo Boo (Rhonan) did it... What he didn't realize is that first of all I am his mom and KNOW everything! Second of all the evidence was ALL over his face LOL

Helping Hearts

This is a different kind of blog for me, but I am so excited to write about my new findings….

I just happen to be looking at my facebook and saw someone post about this amazing group… Helping Hearts, so me being me I decided to check it out! The minute I started reading about how these two amazing ladies started such a great program I knew I wanted to be a part of this!
“Helping Hearts is a project created by Melissa & Michelle with the goal of being able to provide free photography sessions for families with sick children. Over the last couple of months we have aquired an entire team of photographers who are dedicated to donating their time to Helping Hearts because they believe in sharing the gift of photography with as many families as possible.
Throughout a childs life, most families probably wouldnt expect their child to become ill, and possibly be hospitalized, or confined to home. This journey can cause a roller coaster of emotions for families – confusion, sadness, hope, celebration, and grief. During these times of transition, families may not have considered how important it may be to preserve the precious changes in their children. As parents and photographers, our team knows families will cherish these captured moments.”
That is what I was reading, I knew as a mom to 5 I wanted and needed to be a part of this. So I knew I had to apply!! I was so excited…
I knew that this was something I wanted to take on!
I waited for the email…….
Monday Morning it came in….
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your application to Helping Hearts. We have reviewed it along with your portfolio and would be honored to have you on the team. It’s very clear that you enjoy what you do and your heart is in the right place!
Welcome to the team!
Melissa Knowles
Helping Hearts”
I honestly Cried…. I was so touched… I knew that I was doing something I would love!
So my mission has started, and this is where I need your help! Please if you know of anywhere I can contact to advertise this amazing program, I would love that information…. Please send it to me @
If you know someone with a sick child please check out Helping Hearts. A dedicated team of photographers across the country are offering services to families in need. BC has photographers available everywhere. Please share this with your friends and family, or anyone you know who might benefit!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr Aaron XOXOXOX

One year ago today, I was honored to be at arrival of Mr Aaron. As a mom, I know what its like to have delivered 5 amazing boys, BUT to me at someone else birth, is truly an honor to be a part of such a special memory in there lives. When Athena asked me to be there I was soooo excited... I couldn't wait for the day to come. I watched her belly get bigger and bigger, and I just couldnt wait for the arrival!!! Jan 19th I get the call, I take off running, I was so excited. I arrive at the hospital, finding Athena glowing and smiling from ear to ear... (trust me when I say I didnt look like that at all during my labor). The night progresses, Athena is one amazing woman... she did amazing during everything... we had our laughs, our cries, but she never did the yelling... I was in such a state of happiness... I saw the love between Athena and Jordon and knew that Aaron was going to have such amazing parents! Aaron arrives at 8:24am, healthy, happy, with 10 tiny toes and 10 tiny fingers.... I cried as if he was my own, I knew from the beginning that I loved this tiny baby... but it hit me when he arrived that he will always have a special spot in my heart!!! So over the past year, I have had the pleasure of photographing Aaron, and getting to know Mr Chubby Cheeks... He is such a well behaved little guys ... he is always happy, and hungry LOL, but thats just a boy thing LOL... And Today is Aarons First Birthday!! I just wanted to wish My Favorite Aaron a Happy birthday!  Love you OXOXOXOXO

Aaron full of smiles at One year

Athena and Jordon at 25 weeks along

Athena 4 days before the arrival of Aaron

Aaron as a beautiful new baby

Me and Aaron, my favorite picture ever!

Happy Birthday Aaron

Ok, I have to start out with an apology.... I am sooooooo sorry it has taken so long to post this Blog Post.... I would like to say its because I have been crazy busy with photography work, BUT I have been crazy busy with my other Job! Being a Mom.... This week has been a little crazy but fun... I have had 2 of my boys home for most of the week (the two hardest ones LOL), unfortunately my sitter got REALLY sick over the holidays and needs some more well deserved time to recover. So i took advantage of having my baby with me, we have played play dough, played in the snow, cleaned up after the Christmas break... we have just overall had a great week.... BUT I am very excited and happy to say that my sitter is doing much better (but I still think she should take it easy) and I think the return of my baby will happen this wed (cause Monday is a PD day).
Enough of me going on and on..... I found it VERY hard to pic only a few Pictures for this category as there were SOOOOOOOOOOO many adorable little children this year.... I am soooo excited for this years... so many babies coming up!! I cant wait!
Because there is sooooo many adorable, lovable, munchkin I had to put them together for you!

Well I had such a hard time picking which babies as they are all sooo adorable!!!!!!!

Kids have to be by far the easiest to photograph, for me anyways…. I love how they all are so adorable, and there eyes tell sooo many stories (its all about the stories).
BUT I have to admit with my absolute FAV… is the Cadid shots, I love when they have NO clue I am even taking there picture… it captures exactly who they are.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fav Children/toddlers/bundle of Joys!!!!

Ok so Look back tomorrow for the Fav of 2010 of Little people!! I would love to do it tonight, BUT decided to take on a kickboxing class, and I am ummmmmm just a little sore!!!! I will post one teaser for you!!!

And as you are learning about me I like to Chat/ type!!! SO I have to tell you about this family!!! First I personally think there needs to be more people like these guys! They are a younger family, with SOOOOOO much love! They have 2 Beautiful daughters and now a handsome son!!!!! I have been soooo honored to be apart of capturing there special moments... I cant wait for the call back...
I will be back tomorrow I promise!!!!!!!!!!!

Fav Family Pics 2010

Ok so I showed you a few of my fav ones from my family, Now I am gonna show you just a few of my fav ones, BUT just family ones for now.... I have soooo many, that I have to break it up! As we all know I love to chat, so for me a picture is all about a story!!!!!!! So I have to give you the Story behind my picture....

What an amazing family, I loved these guys!!! I loved how close they are, how caring but funny they are... the daughter and father, cracked me up! Mom and son, were very similar, as much as sons want to be tough and strong, they can also have big hearts, you can totally see that this son did.... THEY ALL DID!!

I really hope to see them again!!!!

What can I say about this family!!! First, I LOVE HER!!! "ISA", is the best babysitter around... she takes such good care of my Dubba, he loves his "isa". This family photo was taken on Halloween day, it was kinda cold out... BUT we had so much fun, we went into the woods, we climbed trees, and watched one son climb over a tree, praying he didnt fall into the 2 inches of water (he did really well, but boys are boys). It is sooo easy to capture beautiful family pictures when you have amazing subjects.... I love how these all turned out!

Well, I went into this shoot with the intention to capture the goofiest (is that a word???) smile on this family..... (short story, this amazing woman taught some of my boys, and LOVES them... BUT she kinda sorta has the same personality as me... CRAZY.... so she tough my Boo boo how to smile, LOL, so now my Mr Boo boo, smiles goofy! I really think she was teaching him to just be himself, and let it show in his smile, as he is CRAZY just like us!)
I did manage to get some fun ones of the kids, but they are going to be in a different post!

WHAT A FAMILY!!!!  Loved this shoot, this was by far my BIGGEST family shoot to date, but what a great family to try on....  8 siblings, married, children, grandchildren, and Look for the most part they are all looking, sooooooo excited!!!!!  What a beautiful family farm they have, I cant wait to go back!  Hmmmmm I hear they are having a few new babies to the family, do I see another family shoot coming????

What a fun day!!!!!!  3 beautiful daughters, tons of laughs... this amazing girls had to help dad a little, he was being a typical dad, spouse, man....  he just needed to relax a bit, BUT once he did, the pictures were amazing.... Now if we could just get mom to stop the count downs it would be great LOL....  Such an amazing family!!!!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!  I think out of all my shoots this past fall, this one is my FAV!!!!!  There is something about it that I just love,  I think cause of how my shy little friend was, he is soooo adorable, and the camera just loves him... but he wasnt too sure of it!  SO this shot, was not really planed for him to look at me, but sooo glad he did, and of course I had to smile back....  This is a special family to me, the son holding close to his dad, is a very special person to my son...  I am sooo glad I had the chance to do this for them, and I will get my shy little friend to chat with me someday!  Some kids (as I know) take a little longer, maybe when he is 15 LOL!!!

This is one family I will NEVER forget, they were one of my first clients, when I started a few years back, and I have grown to love them like family!!  I have been a part of there family for many different occasions, and loved every single moment! I have learned so much from this family, and for that I will always be thankful!!!!!  This particular day we went out, I cried, and laughed and smiled from ear to ear...  I have never seen smiles of there son like I did that day!  Thank you for the special memories!

A dear friend recommend me to this family!!!  THANK YOU, I had soo much fun, we chatted, we realized we are from the same neck of the woods (we laughed about that).  Not to mention they are such a laid back, easy going family, that it was sooo easy to capture memories for them....  The oldest son, he cracked me up...  he reminded me sooo much of my oldest, so we just kept chatting with him about girls, and the smiles were soo big!  Now the little two, there daughter, is soooo adorable, she got to a point with me, that she would ask to have her picture taken... and little Mr Dude, all I can say is ADORABLE!!!  Such a Beautiful family!

What can I say about these guys....  Dad, Thanks for keeping tabs on my hubby while ridding that painful train everyday!!!  Mom, girl you look amazing for just having a baby, and Little Princess, I love your hair, sooo adorable.... Little Miss, You crack me up, I honestly had so much fun with you....  Mr K,  I saw you with your sister, and you will be one amazing man someday....  Oh and not to forget little Mr J...  Your Personality is hilarious, I could sit and watch you for hours.  I love how fun and lovable these guys are....
I could go on for MANY MANY more, But I think I will stop for now.... I will post my Fav kids pictures soon... Hope you have enjoyed, and cant wait to add to my collection this year!!  BRING ON 2011
Ok so for the last 2 hours I have been sitting here going through all of my pics from 2010!!! My hand is sore, and I have over 200.... sooooooo what I have decided to start with, is......
MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!
Just to give you the heads up.... it was 7am for this picture, my baby kept saying "no piture mom no piture mom", all I wanted was One nice pic, BUT as I say to all my clients.... "this sums up my family to a T" and thats what I like to capture!

Look at me Mom... I am the Christmas Tree!!!!

I love this Picture of Hunter, I was playing with my new Fisheye lens, and this is what I got!!!

So Odin.... as we are carrying this MASSIVE size Christmas tree (sorry Conall maybe next year you can be the tree), Odin decided to stop and show us what this guy driving past yells out the window at him, "Dude thats a massive tree" I was laughing so hard!

NO PITURE MOM NO PITURE MOM!!!! SO as any good mother whos a photographer... I take his picture anyways!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my men!!!

So for any of you who know me.... I HATE HALLOWEEN!!!! I just honestly dont understand why we need all that candy in our house! All that happens is kids come home with pillowcases full of candy, and then we sort, then they go to bed and MOM eats the candy!!!! This Halloween was special... I went off to do a family shoot, and came home to find my wonderful Hubby carving pumpkins with the kids, I was asked to not enter the kitchen.... trust me I was fine with that... Hubby surprised me with my very own pumpkin!!

My Conall, I LOVE your eyes, they tell so many wonderful stories...

Last Picture of my crew, didnt wanna do too many!!
Odin!!! This child has a heart of gold, and has the best personality!! Santa came to our house this year, and to our surprise he left his glasses beside the milk and cookies.... Odin had to be our model!!!

So here is a few of my Fav's from 2010 of my family!!! They may not be what you would hang on your wall, But to me a picture is a story and everyone of these has a story to it!!
Pictures are memories captured for Life!!

Post a Week 2011

As most of you know, I am still new to Blogging, and soooooo not going there with Twitter! So I have decided to join Post a week challenge!! So I know 2011 is going to be a fun year! I have tons of new ideas, games, and prizes that I wanna play/giveaway/donate... YOU name it I wanna try it!!!!
Over the past year, I have learned soooo much and I look forward to learning more. I am going to ask for help here... I need ideas what to blog about... I know I am a photographer, BUT I am also a mom, a friend, a wife, the president of the PTA and I also LOVE to have fun! SO any topic you would like me to blog about, I would LOVE your help!!! SO please feel free to leave a comment and help me out!
I am soooooo excited for 2011~ BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrows Post is going to be some of my Fav Pictures of 2010! Come back to see if they are the same as yours!