Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr Aaron XOXOXOX

One year ago today, I was honored to be at arrival of Mr Aaron. As a mom, I know what its like to have delivered 5 amazing boys, BUT to me at someone else birth, is truly an honor to be a part of such a special memory in there lives. When Athena asked me to be there I was soooo excited... I couldn't wait for the day to come. I watched her belly get bigger and bigger, and I just couldnt wait for the arrival!!! Jan 19th I get the call, I take off running, I was so excited. I arrive at the hospital, finding Athena glowing and smiling from ear to ear... (trust me when I say I didnt look like that at all during my labor). The night progresses, Athena is one amazing woman... she did amazing during everything... we had our laughs, our cries, but she never did the yelling... I was in such a state of happiness... I saw the love between Athena and Jordon and knew that Aaron was going to have such amazing parents! Aaron arrives at 8:24am, healthy, happy, with 10 tiny toes and 10 tiny fingers.... I cried as if he was my own, I knew from the beginning that I loved this tiny baby... but it hit me when he arrived that he will always have a special spot in my heart!!! So over the past year, I have had the pleasure of photographing Aaron, and getting to know Mr Chubby Cheeks... He is such a well behaved little guys ... he is always happy, and hungry LOL, but thats just a boy thing LOL... And Today is Aarons First Birthday!! I just wanted to wish My Favorite Aaron a Happy birthday!  Love you OXOXOXOXO

Aaron full of smiles at One year

Athena and Jordon at 25 weeks along

Athena 4 days before the arrival of Aaron

Aaron as a beautiful new baby

Me and Aaron, my favorite picture ever!

Happy Birthday Aaron

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