Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is MY JOB to me??????

I can honestly say I LOVE MY JOB!!! I have laughed at my job, I have cried at my job, I have smiled TONS at my job. But then I leave my amazing Clients and I rush home to edit there pictures... Honestly editing is almost as much fun as taking the pictures.... While I sit in my office on my computer, I do the same as I am when I am out Photographing people... I laugh, I cry, and I smile ALL the time.
The Pictures to me that make me smile are the ones I hand over to my clients.... The pictures of this little young man, I have laughed and cried, and smiled a ton.... I have taken his picture so many times, and I have never heard him laugh as much as he did that day!!!!! I love the photo shoots that I can walk away with the smile still on my face, because I know I have capture something that will be cherished for ever!!!!! This is what makes my Job so SPECIAL!!!! Thanks NICK!!!!!!!!!!

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