Monday, April 18, 2011

Fav Family Pics 2010

Ok so I showed you a few of my fav ones from my family, Now I am gonna show you just a few of my fav ones, BUT just family ones for now.... I have soooo many, that I have to break it up! As we all know I love to chat, so for me a picture is all about a story!!!!!!! So I have to give you the Story behind my picture....

What an amazing family, I loved these guys!!! I loved how close they are, how caring but funny they are... the daughter and father, cracked me up! Mom and son, were very similar, as much as sons want to be tough and strong, they can also have big hearts, you can totally see that this son did.... THEY ALL DID!!

I really hope to see them again!!!!

What can I say about this family!!! First, I LOVE HER!!! "ISA", is the best babysitter around... she takes such good care of my Dubba, he loves his "isa". This family photo was taken on Halloween day, it was kinda cold out... BUT we had so much fun, we went into the woods, we climbed trees, and watched one son climb over a tree, praying he didnt fall into the 2 inches of water (he did really well, but boys are boys). It is sooo easy to capture beautiful family pictures when you have amazing subjects.... I love how these all turned out!

Well, I went into this shoot with the intention to capture the goofiest (is that a word???) smile on this family..... (short story, this amazing woman taught some of my boys, and LOVES them... BUT she kinda sorta has the same personality as me... CRAZY.... so she tough my Boo boo how to smile, LOL, so now my Mr Boo boo, smiles goofy! I really think she was teaching him to just be himself, and let it show in his smile, as he is CRAZY just like us!)
I did manage to get some fun ones of the kids, but they are going to be in a different post!

WHAT A FAMILY!!!!  Loved this shoot, this was by far my BIGGEST family shoot to date, but what a great family to try on....  8 siblings, married, children, grandchildren, and Look for the most part they are all looking, sooooooo excited!!!!!  What a beautiful family farm they have, I cant wait to go back!  Hmmmmm I hear they are having a few new babies to the family, do I see another family shoot coming????

What a fun day!!!!!!  3 beautiful daughters, tons of laughs... this amazing girls had to help dad a little, he was being a typical dad, spouse, man....  he just needed to relax a bit, BUT once he did, the pictures were amazing.... Now if we could just get mom to stop the count downs it would be great LOL....  Such an amazing family!!!!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!  I think out of all my shoots this past fall, this one is my FAV!!!!!  There is something about it that I just love,  I think cause of how my shy little friend was, he is soooo adorable, and the camera just loves him... but he wasnt too sure of it!  SO this shot, was not really planed for him to look at me, but sooo glad he did, and of course I had to smile back....  This is a special family to me, the son holding close to his dad, is a very special person to my son...  I am sooo glad I had the chance to do this for them, and I will get my shy little friend to chat with me someday!  Some kids (as I know) take a little longer, maybe when he is 15 LOL!!!

This is one family I will NEVER forget, they were one of my first clients, when I started a few years back, and I have grown to love them like family!!  I have been a part of there family for many different occasions, and loved every single moment! I have learned so much from this family, and for that I will always be thankful!!!!!  This particular day we went out, I cried, and laughed and smiled from ear to ear...  I have never seen smiles of there son like I did that day!  Thank you for the special memories!

A dear friend recommend me to this family!!!  THANK YOU, I had soo much fun, we chatted, we realized we are from the same neck of the woods (we laughed about that).  Not to mention they are such a laid back, easy going family, that it was sooo easy to capture memories for them....  The oldest son, he cracked me up...  he reminded me sooo much of my oldest, so we just kept chatting with him about girls, and the smiles were soo big!  Now the little two, there daughter, is soooo adorable, she got to a point with me, that she would ask to have her picture taken... and little Mr Dude, all I can say is ADORABLE!!!  Such a Beautiful family!

What can I say about these guys....  Dad, Thanks for keeping tabs on my hubby while ridding that painful train everyday!!!  Mom, girl you look amazing for just having a baby, and Little Princess, I love your hair, sooo adorable.... Little Miss, You crack me up, I honestly had so much fun with you....  Mr K,  I saw you with your sister, and you will be one amazing man someday....  Oh and not to forget little Mr J...  Your Personality is hilarious, I could sit and watch you for hours.  I love how fun and lovable these guys are....
I could go on for MANY MANY more, But I think I will stop for now.... I will post my Fav kids pictures soon... Hope you have enjoyed, and cant wait to add to my collection this year!!  BRING ON 2011

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