Monday, April 18, 2011

Ok so for the last 2 hours I have been sitting here going through all of my pics from 2010!!! My hand is sore, and I have over 200.... sooooooo what I have decided to start with, is......
MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!
Just to give you the heads up.... it was 7am for this picture, my baby kept saying "no piture mom no piture mom", all I wanted was One nice pic, BUT as I say to all my clients.... "this sums up my family to a T" and thats what I like to capture!

Look at me Mom... I am the Christmas Tree!!!!

I love this Picture of Hunter, I was playing with my new Fisheye lens, and this is what I got!!!

So Odin.... as we are carrying this MASSIVE size Christmas tree (sorry Conall maybe next year you can be the tree), Odin decided to stop and show us what this guy driving past yells out the window at him, "Dude thats a massive tree" I was laughing so hard!

NO PITURE MOM NO PITURE MOM!!!! SO as any good mother whos a photographer... I take his picture anyways!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my men!!!

So for any of you who know me.... I HATE HALLOWEEN!!!! I just honestly dont understand why we need all that candy in our house! All that happens is kids come home with pillowcases full of candy, and then we sort, then they go to bed and MOM eats the candy!!!! This Halloween was special... I went off to do a family shoot, and came home to find my wonderful Hubby carving pumpkins with the kids, I was asked to not enter the kitchen.... trust me I was fine with that... Hubby surprised me with my very own pumpkin!!

My Conall, I LOVE your eyes, they tell so many wonderful stories...

Last Picture of my crew, didnt wanna do too many!!
Odin!!! This child has a heart of gold, and has the best personality!! Santa came to our house this year, and to our surprise he left his glasses beside the milk and cookies.... Odin had to be our model!!!

So here is a few of my Fav's from 2010 of my family!!! They may not be what you would hang on your wall, But to me a picture is a story and everyone of these has a story to it!!
Pictures are memories captured for Life!!

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